How to Pick the Right Paint Color for Your Home Remodel

There are many components to a home remodel, but one of them involves choosing paint colors. And while choosing the wrong paint color is not irreversible, it can be cumbersome to start the painting process all over again. Are you looking to add warmth and coziness? Or, maybe you want to create a minimalist, rustic feel. Whatever it is, choosing the right paint color will help set the mood and emotion of a room.

Unsure which colors are best suited for your home? Here’s how to pick the perfect shade of paint to fit your home’s personality.

  1. Consider the mood.
    What type of mood do you want to create in your home remodel? Are you going for bright and cheery, calm and peaceful, or bold and energetic? For example, reds give a room lots of energy, while blues are known for their calming effect. Yellows are cheerful and sunny, while greens are restful. The paint color you choose can steer a room towards any of those moods.
  2. Start somewhere small.
    If you aren’t sure about your color choice, paint a small area first. Most hardware stores now carry small, inexpensive paint samples that homeowners can take home and test in small patches. Choose an area to test and let the paint sit for a few days to observe how it looks in different lighting. If you like it, continue using it elsewhere; If you don’t, simply paint over it.
  1. Consider the other elements in your home.
    Do you have carpet or hardwood floors? Is your furniture dark, light, antique-style or contemporary? Pick a paint color that will compliment these items nicely. For example, dark hardwood floors look great with light gray or light blue walls.

Whether it’s a new bathroom or kitchen, choosing the right paint color is important for enhancing a fresh home remodel. The great thing about paint is that it’s relatively cheap and super easy to change compared to other home remodeling projects.

Here at Progressive Builders, our designers are here to help you every step of the way—even with choosing a great paint color. If you’re ready to get started with your home remodel, contact Progressive Builders today!

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