Measurements to Keep in Mind Before Designing Your Dream Patio

It’s nice to have a beautiful and comfortable patio as an outdoor extension of your home. Whether you want to lounge around outside with family and friends on cozy summer nights or just want to have a garden and inviting natural space to improve the aesthetic appeal of your yard, a patio can serve many purposes.

A lot of people go into adding or expanding their patio with a vision in mind. They have the perfect idea in their head of how they want it to look and what they want it to be. However, what a lot of homeowners fail to consider beforehand is the size. Obviously, the space available in your yard will go a long way in determining how big a patio can or should be. However, there are also some general rules of thumb you can follow according to Progressive Builders.

Think About the Use for the Patio

The first thing you need to do is understand how you will be using the patio. What kind of furniture and features do you want to have? How many chairs or sitting areas should there be to accommodate you and your normal amount of guests? Will there be tables, a fire pit or a grill? Knowing how you want your patio to function will go a long way in determining its appropriate size.

Do Your Research and Preparation

It’s very important to check with your local building department (and HOA if applicable) before building a patio to get all the right permits/approvals, and to understand any requirements and regulations that may affect the size and usage of your patio area.

Measure the Whole Yard and Find Balance

You will want to measure the entire yard space and then figure out how you want it all to balance together. Do you want to leave a grassy yard area intact? Do you want to have a garden area around the patio? Or, do you want the patio to take up the entire yard? There are no wrong answers, but you want to strike the right balance and use the space in a way that suits your needs and desires.

Work with an Experienced Builder

Working with a contractor who has experience with patios and outdoor additions will really make a big difference. They can provide helpful advice and proven expertise to help you get the most out of your patio design and be sure that it is done right.

For all your outdoor design and construction needs, you can count on the team at Progressive Builders to help you design and build the patio of your dreams. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a no-obligation home consultation for any project you have in mind.

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