4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Kitchen Remodel


When planning a kitchen remodel, there are lots of things to keep track of. Because of this, it’s common for homeowners to forget to ask themselves what it is they truly want from the remodel. To make sure your space is set up exactly how you want it, be sure to ask yourself the four following questions during the planning stage of your kitchen remodel.

  1. What do I want to change and what do I need to change about my kitchen?
    This may seem like common sense, but it’s absolutely crucial to understand the differences of what you want and what you need to change about that space. The kitchen can be central to the functionality of the house – especially if family meals are regularly cooked and prepared there. That’s why you want to make sure the space performs all the essential requirements before adding “want” items to the list. Once the needs are met, you can then tackle the wants!
  1. What do I like about my current kitchen?
    Take a good look at your current kitchen. Is there anything inspiring about it? You may not like your current countertop, but what about the vintage sink?It’s important to identify early on what you like about your kitchen as it currently stands, because then you can work around those things. By paying attention to what currently works, in both design and practicality, you will be able to better understand what can stay and what has to go.
  1. How will the kitchen be used?
    People use kitchens differently. Some families make everything at home, and need to be able to have a kitchen that can store ingredients, ready-made meals, and appliances. Other families may need to have a bigger layout with a large island if they tend to host dinner parties or entertain frequently. Others might just need a few barstools for the island and enough cabinet space for one or two small appliances.None of these approaches are better than the others, but it’s important for you to know how you and your family use the space so you can tailor your remodel to meet those needs. Work with your contractor to optimize the space to its fullest potential.
  1. What is my five-year plan?
    It’s hard to predict anything nowadays, but try and think about your long-term plans. If you are planning on selling your home in the future, then your remodel will look different than if you were planning on staying. This is especially important because there are certain design choices that you may love that might actually be a hindrance on the house market.

In a similar way, if you are planning on having children in the near future, you may want to make your kitchen more kid-friendly. Planning ahead like this can help avoid potential headaches.

Ready to get started on your kitchen remodel? Contact Progressive Builders today! Our expert team will make your dream kitchen ideas into reality, so give us a call today.

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